This is the accompanying page for the article On the Use of Autoregressive Methods for Audio Inpainting authored by Ondřej Mokrý and Pavel Rajmic, submitted to ICASSP 2025.
The paper presents an evaluation of popular audio inpainting methods based on autoregressive modeling, namely the extrapolation-based and Janssen methods. A novel variant of the Janssen method suitable for inpainting of gaps is also proposed. The main differences between the particular popular approaches are pointed out. In the experimental part, the importance of the choice of the AR model estimator is confirmed by objective metrics. Then, a mid-scale computational experiment is presented, and its results are confirmed by a listening test. All the experiments demonstrate the superiority of the new gap-wise Janssen method.
The preprint is available at arXiv.
Statistical testing of LPC versus Burg algorithmSupplementary plots
Audio examples